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Has great products they are so wonderful the Body and Foot cream it smells good makes the body smooth also helps with dry skin and crack hands and feet also it relaxes your body .

The soap is wonderful it leaves your body smooth and c its soft.

The Candle it’s so wonderful the smell will fill your room up with a sweet nice smell also the wick is wood it makes a cracking sound when its lit but it sounds so relaxing.

Lip balm hi helps your lips to be soft and healthy for the lips.

A little about Chickenmash Farm

Hello and welcome to Chickenmash Farm. How did we get that name? And how did we get our start?

We’re the Mash family. We started out with a few chickens so we could get healthy fresh eggs. I didn't know at the time chickens are the gateway livestock. I smile every time someone tells me they just got a few chickens. From there we got our first dairy goat, Star.

She was beautiful, sweet and the best first goat anyone could have asked for. I’m sure you've guessed by now, since chickens started it all and with a last name like Mash that’s how we became Chickenmash Farm. Star gave us so much milk we started making our own soap. After work my husband and I would stand in the kitchen making soap and practicing new recipes until we got it just right.

We used our soap, shared it with family and friends and eventually started selling it to the public. Who would have known a few eggs and goats milk would have started such a fun venture. It’s just as important to us today as it was at the beginning to produce healthy goat milk soap and body products. From the beginning we tried to learn about a healthy lifestyle, by growing our own organic garden with heirloom vegetables and herbs.

We fed our goats this way too and still do today. As we learn, we evolve and continually educate ourselves on what’s good for our body and our goats. Our goats are on a Non-GMO diet. We mix our own herbal tinctures to maintain their health. We’re real picky about what goes into our goats and our products. We source non-gmo oils for our products and never use parabens . Our products come from our family to yours!

Kim Mash


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